Continue through past the enemy, exit through the door and take a right, go down the ladder and you'll see the talisman in a chest. From the Beside the Great Bridge Grace, go west and up the stairs, take a left and up the stairs, take another left at the top of the stairs and onto the bridge, left again and straight down the path past the gap. Old Lords Talisman - Found at the Crumbling Farum Azula. Continue straight and you'll see it in a coffin. From the Grace, head west, up the stairs, through the corridor North, left and up some more stairs, straight then right across a bridge, left and up more stairs, right and through the large doors, down the hallway and through the door to your left.

Moon of Nokstella - Found in Nokstella, Eternal City Grace. Godfrey Icon - Dropped by the boss at the Golden Lineage Evergaol east of the Grand Lift of Dectus Grace in the Altus Plateau. Climb the ladder, jump through the window, and take a right. From the Debate Parlor Grace, exit through the north doors and take a right. Radagon Icon - Found at the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Drop down another hole and the talisman will be on a corpse. Drop down the hole in the center and then across to a platform with a few rat enemies. Radagon's Soreseal - Found in Fort Faroth in Caelid. D's brother will leave behind the Twinned Armor set upon reloading to the area. This will allow you to obtain her armor set. Reload the area and inspect her to fight Lichdragon Fortissax.Ħ - If you give the Twinned Armor set to D's brother, he will appear by Fia's corpse, thinking he was the one to slay her. See my endings achievements below for her quest walkthrough.ĥ - After giving her the Cursemark to her, talk to her a few times and she'll sleep at the Prine of Death's side. A hidden passage in Mohg, the Omen's boss room at the Subterranean Shunning Grounds will also take you here.Ĥ - She will ask you to bring her the Cursemark of Death which can be obtained through Ranni's quest. Deeproot Depths is found underground by resting in a coffin after defeating Valiant Gargoyle in Siofra Aqueduct. Talk to her after beating the enemies and say that you want to be held. Talk to Fia and she will disappear.ģ - Head to Deeproot Depths and to the Prince of Death's Throne. She can be found at Roundtable Hold.ġ - After reaching Altus Plateau, return to Fia and she will give you a dagger which can be given to D who is in the central chamber of Roundtable Hold.Ģ - Reload the area and a new room will be open near the blacksmith.

You must complete Fia the Deatbed Companion's questline. Lichdragon Fortissax can be found in Deeproot Depths.